Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fomunyoh Foundation Encourage Students With Books In War Turn North Region

By Ignatius Nji

The war against Boko Haram insurgency attacking from neighboring Nigeria in the North of Cameroon has deprived many students and pupils of attending school given that over a hundred schools in the rural areas have been shoot down. In a bid to get abreast with the situation on the ground, Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh who is Senior Associate and regional Director of the National Democratic Institute for Africa, led members of the Fomunyoh Foundation to the three Northern regions from March 1 to 6. He visited schools and displaced victims of the war in Maroua, Garoua and Ngaoundere where books and food were donated by the foundation.
The excitement with which his team was greeted at every stop especially at an orphanage called Institute Camerounaise de L’enfance presently hosting some 80 pupils rescued by Cameroon soldiers from the hands of Boko Haram indoctrination camps last year in Amcide. According the Center coordinator the children outnumber the capacity of the center and in continuous need of assistance from any benefactor. The children who could neither express themselves in English nor French had the opportunity to be undergoing reformation as they take up classes at the center. As President of the Foundation, Dr Fomunyoh had working sessions with top government officials in the area and met with the Rector and Professors of the University of Maroua where discussions centered around security concerns and mitigating circumstances for the heavily displaced people of warring areas. Beginning March 21 the Foundation would be organizing a nationwide musical concert with a Northern Cameroonian born, France base Artist Idy Olou to raise funds to support victims of the war.
Dr. Fomunyoh equally congratulated the soldiers fighting to keep away Boko Haram and that the zeal with which those boys are determined from all indication victory is on sight given the internal collaboration with soldiers from Chad and Niger. He threw light as to why many turn to admire President Idriss Derby constantly at the war Front which because the military background upbringing which is not same other Heads of States who prefer to handle military issues from a distance with same successes as in the past. To him the aggressive manner with which the situation is being handled is highly welcomed due to the gruesome atrocities perpetrated by the Boko Haram insurgence. Talking about French weapons found in the hands of the Boko Haram insurgents, Dr Fomunyoh said in this situation people should be able to differentiate French weapons from French government going by official reports those weapons were purported to have been ceased from captured Nigerian army barracks. The use of tankers and other heavy military weapon by Boko Haram insurgents in their first outburst was proof that they could have only gotten them from Nigerian Barracks and that no government in the world today would support such a group with the intention to transform countries in to caliphates as propagated by the leader of the Boko Haram.


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