Monday, September 15, 2014

Union President Seek Consular Identity For Nigerians For Easy Identification

The President of the Nigerian Union in Bamenda Mr. Ebere Umezurike says for security sake and to easily identify who is that Nigerian living in Cameroon and doing business is issue out a Consular Identity card which is cosigned by Union President in each area. He reiterates that the consular identity card should be a prerequisite for Nigerian to obtain a resident Permit. From rough estimate the Union President said there are over 800 Nigerians living in Bamenda and doing business with a good number not registered with the Union.
To the President if the consular identity is established it will facilitate identification of any Nigerian living and doing business in Cameroon. This would also enable the administration to track illegal residents among the Nigerian communities in all the Regions. As for the relation with the administration of Mezam, Mr. Ebere Umezurike says it is cordial given that the law in place most be respected to the letter. Nigerians feel at home in Cameroon and are building their homes and doing business in peace.
The recent visit to the Region by the Nigerian Consul General Dan Wari Nwazim, sparked a glimmer of hope for the Nigerians doing business in Bamenda. He applauded the Nigerian community for the peace that reign among them and wondered aloud how he wished the Consulate was located rather in Bamenda given the huge population instead of Buea where there are very few Nigerians. He cautioned his people to continuously be law abiding making sure that bad element are identified and brought to book.

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