Kari Jackson , Executive Director of SURUDEV
The recent rating of Bamenda City by WHO as one of most polluted cities in the world has not be taken lightheartedly by the civil society organization network in the North West Region. The inadequacy in waste management within the city that led to pollution, raised a serious call for concern, reason why, a workshop was organized in Bamenda at the french Cultural Center recently, to broaden know how on proper waste management and simple recycling methods expounded to curb rampant disposal common among City dwellers.
One of the main speaker at the workshop, Kari Jackson Executive Director of Sustainable Run For Development SURUDEV lamented that the situation of waste management in Bamenda is appalling which warranted this workshop geared towards high lighting environmental problems in Bamenda inner city. This has to do with assessing the state of pollution, waste management, agriculture and road constructions thereby finding long lasting solutions. To achieve this goal is to work with stakeholders such as the local councils, City council and the administration to reverse the situation given that Bamenda is no longer what it use to be before now. Kari wondered aloud that one can’t move a kilometer in Bamenda without seeing a heap of unsorted waste mixed with plastics, glass, iron and paper deposited on the road side or on tar. As a role the Civil Society is oblige to inform the public and educate them on good practices on proper waste management and teach them how to sort out their domestic waste before it is finally disposed of in a proper manner. The public should educated on basic technique on how to collect and manage their waste at home even if the City Council does not pass by to collect the streets must not be piled with refuse.families should be taught how to use the three bin system for garbage collection one for perishable the other for non perishable thus Plastics can be collected and recycled in the primary stage, iron can be sorted and sold still companies for recycling and decomposable waste can be transformed in to manure and sold to farmers.This is called urban mining that generates huge family income from domestic waste.If this method is adequately put in place and practiced by all even with the limited resources to carry out heavy recycling, the streets would be clean and the environment would conducive for human habitat.
On agriculture SURUDEV has set up a water melon farm in Donga Mantung Division where women are working to earn a living and it is doing well. This farm is nourished only with compose manure to give the soil fertility.
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