Monday, August 13, 2018

Administrators Scared Of Amba Fighters, Population Running Away From Trigger Happy Soldiers

                                 Military Expedition in Tugi enroute to Njikwa

Momo Division in the Northwest region is the only Division where all five Subdivisions have been hit by the Anglophone crisis recording several deaths and property lost to fire. A larger portion of population of this Division is practically on the run for safety either in neighboring towns or in to the bushes. Extrajudicial killings are on the rise with cases of missing relatives abound and most often than not dead bodies are discovered in the bushes already in advanced state of decomposition.
The case of a family of eight armless civilians in Tiben gruesomely killed in their home by the elite forces recently is still making news. Most civil servants in Batibo, Mbengwi, Njikwa, Ngie and Widikum have vacated residences and have relocated to Bamenda for fear of receiving stray bullets in case of crossfire between Ambazonia freedom fighters and the government forces. The exact number of Internally Displaced People IDPs cannot be ascertained.
Center for Human Rights and Democracy of Central Africa headed by Barrister Felix Agbor Balla had published a report on the extrajudicial killings and burning of more than 50 villages in the Northwest and the Southwest Regions.  In a bid to ascertain the gravity of the situation on the ground, Eden undertook a fact finding trip to Njikwa defying smoking guns of trigger happy soldiers. This reporter could not go further than Acha Tudig because of road blocks mounted by Ambazonia freedom fighters and a burnt bridge around Mbemi. A fleeing resident of Njikwa volunteered to narrate an ordeal they faced on May 22 in Oshie village in Njikwa. According to Mbah Austin in his mid-fifties, Soldiers raided Oshie village shooting at anything living thing. People were running from the shooting and two bike riders were killed and those caught were stripped naked, beaten and rubbed in mud. The raid was in retaliation of the assassination of Police Commissioner Aboubakaro and two other Police officers, a massacre allegedly carried out by the Ambazonia freedom fighters. Two Gendarmerie Officers are said to have been kidnapped on that same day May 16, 2018 and taken to an unknown destination. With the presence of the military that fateful day in Oshie, the market went up in flames reducing shops in to ashes. A prominent Businessman by name Ashime Charles recorded a loss of over  FCFA 11 million worth of goods to that fire. Ngwo village was also visited by the raiding soldiers and the market went up in flames.
The Divisional Officer of Njikwa, Numfor Canisius Shu and the Mayor Itambi  Andrew, are said to be living out of the Subdivision and the Deputy mayor of Njikwa Alhadji Adu Banu is accused of siding with the administration and the military to terrorize people taking advantage of the chaos. One of his victims, Basic education Inspectorate staff for Njikwa whose name Eden got as Nestor Nyambi Ombaku, like many others, is presently on the run because he is said to have rebuked the Deputy Mayor against the habit of setting people up against  the ruthless forces. Before Nestor knew it, he was listed by the security operatives in Njikwa as one of those who have been facilitating sponsorship from abroad to fund activities of the Ambazonia freedom fighters in the area. This story was buttressed by the fact that Nestor Nyambi has about four direct relations abroad and is probably acting as a liason officer channeling funds from abroad. The Deputy Mayor is said to boast that anybody with links to the Ambazonia freedom fighters would not have peace and says he has the names of Momo sons and daughters who are fronting the crisis from abroad.  He recites names like Nyamusa Terence, Mercy Ombaku (USA) and Asaah Martin, Wilson Nyambo, Ombaku Rabben (UK) as those practically financing the action of Ambazonia freedom fighters in Momo Division and Njikwa in particular. According to Deputy Mayor, he alleges to have personally watched these guys partake in the several demonstration marches against the government of Cameroon in the US and UK. A regime lackey and ardent CPDM militant, he, Adu Banu is said to have sworn with his life that he cannot sit back and watch the country and Njikwa in particular being destroyed by a ban of senseless youths. It was days after, one Achamba Dieudonne, a commercial bike rider was found lifeless with bullet wounds. The owner of the commercial bike who happens to be Nestor Nyambi Ombaku, it was alleged the military had targeted and shot the wrong person in his place.
Over 200 IDPs from Njikwa and Ngie are hosted by relatives at Musang quarter in Bamenda and amongs those from Njikwa is Nestor’s mother who is groaning for her children’s safety. Felix Teche Nyamusa, a Politician and Elite of the area went visiting Njikwa to get acquainted with what happened in that subdivision. He was confronted and molested by the military and forced to rub self in mud and his cellphone and money seized. Embittered Nyamusa says this government must be held responsible for the carnage going on in the two Anglophone Regions.

By Ignatius Nji

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