Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tubah Council Mayor Launches Waste Management Competition In Schools, Cash Prize FCFA 1 Million

To promote hygiene and sanitation in the municipality, Mayor Martin Tanjong Meshungong of the University Council area of Tubah in the North West of Cameroon has on December 7 2015 launched a clean community campaign with school competition on waste management. Schools in Tubah shall be competing cash prize of FCFA 1000.000 for 2016. The cleanness school at the end of the exercise shall take home FCFA 500.000, the second shall receive FCFA 200.000, the third shall get FCFA 100.000 and so forth. While on a four days contact tour in his municipality, the Mayor called on all communities to each do its best to end the covetous first prize as cleanness community.
This competition that shall include everybody in Tubah municipality beginning from students, teachers to parents, is in itself an exercise to inculcate not only the values of cleanliness in the children but to ensure, the future of clean communities are guaranteed. According to Mayor Tanjong, clean environment means more healthy living in disease free communities. He cautioned against excessive drinking habits common among his people. He reiterated that a great man in a community is not measured by the number of beer consumed a day nor by the number of rounds of drinks given in a beer parlour  rather a great man is measure by the quality of education he afford to his children and the comfort he enjoys in a stable family. What one eats determines how healthy he/she lives, he said. The rampant consumption of sachet whisky, food wrapped in plastics and drinking white stuff at funerals, from containers emptied of chemicals, the Mayor said, are certainly the root causes of cancer and other strange diseases common in the communities today. From these chemicals consumed, most children are born incomplete, some with half limb or blind. The Mayor insisted that people should stop buying and wrapping food in plastics which are later discarded just anywhere destroying the soil fertility.  He prescribed a return to the traditional use of leaves which are toxic free void of chemicals. To stop the spread of plastics, people should stop buying the plastics.

On the falling morality rate witnessed in the communities today especially among the youths, Mayor Tanjong told his people of Tubah that broken homes are the cause of most of these societal ills witnessed on daily bases. To him the family remains the main solution to all these ills given that no political party can change a community better than the force of a strong family bond. When a family is stable, children grew up with good values embedded in them and these serves as strong foundation for any nation. Children born of broken homes become wayward reason why a teenager would easily joins a gang of armed bandits just to express his disgust of a family he never had. Today many are witnesses to the age group recruited by the Boko Haram insurgents to detonate bombs. In order to strike a balance in a family, parents should always dialogue with their children at home. Talking to the soul is better than Inflicting pain on the flesh. Most parent don’t sit to talk to their children in a friendly manner reason why they do not understand themselves which results in to quarreling and sometimes fighting and before long the home is broken.

By Ignatius Nji

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