Saturday, December 20, 2014

Death Of 1st Deputy Mayor Mars 2015 Budgetary Session

By I B Nji

The easy going SDF pioneer Councilor and First Deputy Mayor for Bamenda III Council, Madam Lailam Bati Rose shocked her peers and council workers as she slumped to the cold hands of death in front of her office that fateful morning of December 12. She is reported to have suffered a malaise after coming out of her sick bed and came to discuss the planning of the council mini-agro-pastoral show.

This day happened to be a very busy day in the Council premises as there was a budgetary session billed for 10 am. The late Rose Bati Lailam came in at 8:30 am and greeted the Mayor in his office and then greeted the many young staff in the office then ask for her key to access into her office and before the door was open she collapsed on the floor and ended her story in the SDF long walk for freedom. As she was carted away the Angel of death had cast a gloomy spell in the vicinity and people were talking in whispers wondering what a calamity. So far all the founding fathers of the SDF in Nkwen are all gone beginning with the pioneer Mayor of Bamenda III, Prince  Pius Ngwa Amando followed by third Deputy Mayor Emmanuel Kotie and today first Deputy Mayor Rose Bati Lailam. The councilors and Senior Divisional Officer did muscle some courage to commence the business of the day after two hours behind scheduled time.

After presenting a catalogue of project realization in the municipality, Mayor Fonguh Cletus Tanwie presented a budget of FCFA600 million for 2015 up from FCFA 400 million for 2014. This budget was said to be balance in revenue and expenditure and after perusing through the documents, the budget had a clean bill of votes from the councilors in session. Talking on some projects that are ongoing, Mayor Fonguh said Bamenda III is free from the complaint of lack potable water in the city of Bamenda. This is because the Town Green water project which is jointly funded by ADB and the council to tune of FCFA 31 million, has reached completion but for the expected 1000 PE pipes from Germany. The 2015 budget shall tackle education, roads/bridges given the authorization that the Mayor should acquire a front head loader and grader. Study green parks and develop leisure centers, give assistance to health centers, encourage agricultural cooperatives and complete Namoh residential layout. With this expectation by the public, the Mayor remarked that “We shall be aggressive in revenue collection, project designing, project implementation, follow-up projects and report, create fresh revenue sources, fight against corruption.”

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

CDVTA Re-echoes Need For Parliament To Enact Law On Pension For All Elderly

Ignatius Nji Reports 

Francis Njuakom General Coordinator Address the Press 
The Community Development Volunteers for Technical Assistant CDVTA which is an NGO based in Bamenda with objectives to improve the livelihood of the elderly has re-echoed  the need for parliament to enact a law on pension for every elderly person in Cameroon be they working class or not. According to the General Coordinator of CDVTA Francis Njuakom, the NGO had tabled a bill which understudy by the government. This was once more made public during a presentation of a five years balance sheet of the activities since 2009. In a related move towards this direction government has open up for individuals to contribute in to the old age pension scheme unlike before which was a preserve for workers in enterprises be there public or private.
At the public scrutiny of the NGO by the local Press through a question and answer exchange, took place at the Ayaba Hotel this day August 18 during what was termed evaluation of media and publicity in the last 5 years of the project realizing the rights and improving livelihood, Mr. Njuakom revealed that having come to the end of this project, a second project is beginning in October 2014 funded by all we can. This new project shall be extended to other two Divisions in the North West and also to the South Region of Cameroon.
Talking on the activities of CDVTA Mr. Njuakom said the organization in the last five years carried out training programs for the elderly empowering them with skills on market gardening, processing medicinal plants and hygiene and also gave out microloans to groups in clubs littered allover in the Region. These activities so far have improved on the livelihood of the elderly both health wise and financially. To keep the elderly warm and lighted, CDVTA donated blankets and bushlamps to those in areas without electricity. A yearly come together has been organized in various Division bringing together the elderly from all the Divisions where clubs are found. Members foot their transportation to events, make their signboards and sew their uniform which amounted to 100.000 Pounds of the 600.000 Pounds made available by the Methodist Church of Great Britain and the MRDF.
Evaluation and audit teams have visited CDVTA on several occasions from the funding bodies and the State of Cameroon to ensure that what the organization meets specificity of the project and gave a pass mark. In the new project CDVTA is also looking up to constructing schools for grand children of the elderly. According to the project coordinator of CDVTA, Mr. Mulema Wilfred said for sustainability the organization has 280 volunteers working with the elderly in the communities and a permanent staff of 11 couple with the fact that the clubs generate their own income locally for use among members. To buttress the untapped values imbued in the elderly in Cameroon, Mr. Njuakom said the most precious treasures do not lie in the gold minerals found under the earth but in the wisdom enshrined in the elderly persons found in the communities.